Product Details
Get ready for countless hours of fun and excitement with the Sterling 14 ft Shuffleboard. For storage of your pucks, brushes, and other accessories, the Sterling Shuffleboard table provides the Perfect Drawer, a glide in storage drawer mounted under the table. The shuffleboard playing field is 3" x 20" wide with 4 scoring zones and is made with North American plantation grown yellow poplar. The Sterling blows away the competition in quality and durability and is backed with Legacy's lifetime warranty. Legacy recommends purchasing the optional light kit for 2 overhead lights and the score unit. Sterling Shuffleboard is pre-wired to add both.
Download the Sterling Shuffleboard Spec Sheet:
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Climate Adjusters: Legacy Shuffleboards include climate adjusters to ensure a level and accurate game.
Storage: All Legacy shuffleboards include the Perfect Drawer. This hidden drawer is mounted under the table and glides out to reveal your shuffleboard accessories.
Accessories: Legacy shuffleboards include everything needed to play the game; includes four black pucks, four red pucks, stainless abacus scorer, table brush, wax, silicone spray and draped cover.
Pucks: 2 - 5/16" in diameter, 13.1 oz
Cabinet Dimensions: 170-1/8" x 28-5/8" x 33-1/4"
Playfield Dimensions: 156-1/2" x 20" x 3" with 1/4" polymer seal with 4 scoring zones
Weight: 716 lbs.
Multiple Finishes Available
NOTE: Shuffleboard wax beads must be used to in order for the pucks to slide down the playing surface. Never slide a puck with out applying wax beads to the surface.